At Ellensburg School District (ESD), we are dedicated to understanding each student’s strengths and needs, both academically and socially-emotionally. We strive to create systems from pre-kindergarten through graduation that build on these strengths while strategically supporting individual needs. Our goal is for every student to feel challenged and to grow.
Our vision is to ensure that all students graduate prepared for life’s opportunities. The ESD School Board has established Board Ends that outline the outcomes we are committed to helping our students achieve. These include “Foundations for Academic and Future-Ready Skills,” “Successful Global Citizens in an Ever-Changing World,” and “Academic and Social Connections.” You can learn more about these here.
ESD is home to dedicated, insightful, and creative educators with expertise in both content and instructional delivery. Our teachers and administrators collaborate to ensure that ESD provides high-quality, rigorous instructional materials and employs evidence-based practices in our classrooms to meet the diverse needs of all students.
At ESD, we are committed to helping students reach their personal goals, as well as the goals set by the district and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. This commitment involves building strong partnerships with students, families, and the community. Together, we can ensure that our children receive an exceptional education that prepares them to be successful, fulfilled members of their communities.
Jennifer Kuntz
Title: Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
Email: jennifer.kuntz@esd401.org
Phone Numbers:
School: (509) 925-8008
Gemma Wolfenbarger
Title: Administrative Assistant of Teaching and Learning
Email: gemma.wolfenbarger@esd401.org
Phone Numbers:
School: (509) 925-8447
Juli Hamilton
Title: Director of Early Learning & Elementary Success
Email: juli.hamilton@esd401.org
Rhonda Schmidt
Title: Director of Student Supports
Email: rhonda.schmidt@esd401.org
Phone Numbers:
School: (509) 925-8011
Lori Gylling
Title: Director of Special Education
Email: lori.gylling@esd401.org
Phone Numbers:
School: (509) 925-8117