- Pursue a course of studies and make reasonable efforts to learn
- Attend school daily and be on time to all classes
- Be aware of and obey all school rules
- Express opinions and ideas in a respectful manner without labeling or slandering others
- Act in a manner that will not detract from the education of anyone
- Respect the rights of others and exercise self-discipline
- Follow established procedures in seeking changes in the school rules
- Identify oneself to school staff when requested on any school property or at any school activity
- Follow the requests of school employees in the performance of their duties
- Comply with written school rules that are adopted to carry out WAC 392-400-225 and RCW 28A.600.010
- Submit to reasonable corrective action or punishment imposed by school staff for violation of school rules
- Ensure that the lockers assigned to them contain no illegal drugs, weapons, contraband, or other evidence of violations of public law or district policy or school rules. Lockers are subject to search without prior notice.
- Submit to interrogation by school officials for the purpose of maintaining a safe and orderly school environment