Title I, Part A is a federal program that serves the unique needs of children — kindergarten to grade 12 — who struggle to learn. Title I programs and services provide customized instruction and curricula that helps these students meet academic standards and take an active, engaged interest in what they learn and can do. As the oldest and largest federal education program, Title I programs build equity of opportunity for children whose struggles often keep them on the academic sidelines.
Lincoln Elementary, Valley View Elementary, Morgan Middle School
Schoolwide means that all students — based on academic need — are eligible to receive the additional instruction this federal program will fund.
Targeted assistance makes it possible to provide the same benefits, but only to selected students based on academic need.
Morgan Middle School
Targeted assistance makes it possible to provide the same benefits, but only to selected students based on academic need.
Printed copies of the report card may be picked up at the District Office.
If you would like to receive information about your child’s teacher(s), please contact the building principal. The following list shows the information that is available to you.
Parent Request for Teacher Qualifications:
Title I Parental Involvement
The Board recognizes that parent involvement contributes to the achievement of academic standards by students participating in District programs. The Board views the education of students as a cooperative effort among school, parents and community. The Board expects that its schools will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with the statutory definition of parental involvement. Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring that parents:
The Board of Directors adopts as part of this policy the following guidance for parent involvement. The District shall: