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Board Ends

ESD Board Ends Outcomes for Students; Connections (social/emotional); Strong Academic and Future Ready Skills; Successful Global Citizens in a Changing World (instruction/learning/post secondary ed.)

Foundations for Academic and “Future Ready” Skills


  1. Ellensburg School District students attain milestones to ensure long term academic success. Ellensburg School District measures and monitors individual student success against these milestones.
  2. Students demonstrate levels of achievement and the ability to apply their knowledge across all academic areas in the Washington Academic Standards, including the fine arts, health/physical education, world languages and career and technical education. Students will have multiple opportunities to engage in project/problem-based learning and thematic units throughout their journey in Ellensburg School District.
  3. Students experience successful transitions between grade levels, especially between Fifth and Sixth grades, and Eighth and Ninth grades.
  4. Early literacy will continue to be a priority for Ellensburg School District.

21st Century Competencies:

  1. Students demonstrate competency in the 21st century skills of collaboration, communication, creativity, empathy and critical thinking.
  2. Students exhibit healthy behaviors within the school environment and the Ellensburg community. These behaviors include increasing and sustaining physical fitness and mental health.
  3. Students have opportunities to excel in their personal areas of interest.

Successful Global Citizens in an Ever Changing World

Successful Citizenship:

  1. Students will have multiple opportunities as students in Ellensburg School District to help solve real-world problems and participate as a volunteer in community service projects.
  2. Upon graduation, students will demonstrate knowledge of the many ways they can contribute to society to make the world a better place.

Post-Secondary Preparedness:

  1. Upon graduation, every student will demonstrate college and/or work readiness.
  2. Students will have multiple opportunities to identify their strengths and authentic experiences where they are able to explore potential career interests.


Ellensburg School District students feel academically and socially connected to their school.

  1. Every Ellensburg School District student experiences extra-curricular opportunities during their K-12 journey through Ellensburg School District.
  2. Students learn restorative practices that create a sense of community within the school.
  3. Students learn essential social emotional skills to experience increased connections between peers and between staff and students.
  4. Students will demonstrate the ability to cooperate and collaborate within a diverse group of people in order to attain desired outcomes.